Tag: Communications

The Value of Employer Brand in Times of The Great Resignation

The great resignation is in full blast. However, your employee brand can help you keep and attract the right employees!   With over more than 19 million workers in the U.S alone quitting their current jobs, companies have hit a record-breaking high of open positions. People are experiencing grief, burnout, productive pressure, work-life imbalance, and the

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The Valuable Role of Public Relations

Public Relations play a key role in developing your brand, engaging the right audiences, and earning trust. For years, public relations has been a challenge for all businesses, no matter their size or location. Figuring out what public relations consist of and its actual impact has been a debate that has puzzled many. Public relations

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Performance, Growth & Trust Fueled by Communications

Leaders know one can only go so far without effective internal and external communications. Successful businesses are built on solid communication and the trust it builds.  Strong communications are at the foundation of successful businesses. So whether you are just starting your company or have been at its helm for years, it’s always a good

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Worldcom Global Conference 2022 Recap: Sustaining Value in a Changing World

This past week, Worldcom hosted the 2022 Global Conference in London, with esteemed partners, clients, and special guests worldwide participating in the three-day event. This meeting was the network’s first in-person global gathering in two years.  Keynote speakers included respected journalists from Bloomberg and BBC Roger Hearing, who presented on the state of international affairs

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6 Tips on how to Make a Good Impression with Potential Investors

Our brains are wired to make snap judgments about our surroundings and the people around us. We remember the most memorable events, how someone made us feel, how they carried themselves, and how they expressed crucial information. Your potential investors are no different! However, our Advisors know that navigating this world can be tricky, so

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Anticipation as key to Shielding Your Brand’s Reputation

A crisis is an unexpected yet, expected part of managing an organization. At least 95% of companies will face a crisis dealing with their reputation. Timely constructing and planning for a crisis is critical to lessen the impacts generated that could threaten your brand’s reputation. That being said, anticipation and preparedness make a large difference

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Storydoing vs. Storytelling in Modern Marketing

Storytelling is one of the essential marketing tools, but with storydoing entering the picture, the way we do marketing is changing.  From the birth of humankind, storytelling has been a staple of communication, a way to pass down history and connect with others. Storytelling has always been considered an essential tool for presenting a company’s

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The Changing Landscape of Hiring & Employee Retention

Companies struggle for air as a big wave of employee resignation sweeps the business world. COVID-19 and other factors have triggered the ultimate great resignation, and companies are struggling with how to keep their employees content. As companies begin to see the end of the pandemic tunnel, keeping employees and attracting new ones is becoming

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How to Positively Connect with your Employees & Potential Talent

Over 4.3 million people quit their jobs due to the pandemic, burnout, and other factors resulting in what is being called “The Great Resignation.” With your leadership, you can positively change the culture of talent acquisition.  Undoubtedly, the pandemic has changed many industries and how companies run and retain talent. Many everyday factors have contributed

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Strategic Communication Trends to Follow in 2022

In this new era, communication is evolving! Here are some trends to help keep you relevant.  The last two years have changed the way companies communicate. Strategies continue to adapt as research and trends of the post-pandemic era emerge. As we move through 2022, strategic communications will be crucial for organizations to continue engaging with

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