Tag: Marketing Plan

6 Factors To Consider before Going Global to Puerto Rico

GoGlobal Planning Series Like any business decision, going global comes with risks, but so does standing still! So here are some organizational factors to consider before going global from Puerto Rico to ensure the best possible chances of success. Commitment: First, the management team must have a genuine commitment to fund an international sales program

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5 Tips to Upgrade Your Marketing Plan

DuartePino Planning Series If you want a more powerful year, upgrading and focusing on developing a solid marketing plan is more important than ever.  First, you need to work on the five essential components of that plan. Then, to beef it up, you should consider developing campaigns and programs aligned with your objectives, target market,

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Social selling: connected is the new way to sell

Over a decade ago, many of us could only imagine using social networks to reach buyers of different tastes, likes, and preferences in a vast global market; to be connected despite different time zones and countries while offering a product or service. There is no longer a need to have a point of sale when

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Is Your Marketing Agile Enough to Respond to Customer Insights?

Technology has changed how we handle marketing; with customers at the heart of marketing, how do you know if your strategy is agile enough? The last few years have proven to be quite the ride; consequently, significant technological advances emerged to help businesses function more successfully. Additionally, tech has changed how marketing teams operate and

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The Importance of a Strong Marketing Strategy for Business Growth

Your business depends on many aspects, but it can fall to pieces without the right marketing strategy.  With so many tasks needing completion and not enough time or brainpower, it is understandable that a marketing strategy can often take the back burner. However, our advisors at DuartePino are here to help you pick up the

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5 maneras de evaluar tu Plan de Marketing

Aquí incluimos una lista de maneras de evaluar continuamente el éxito de tu plan de mercadeo No se puede negar. No puedes considerarte un gran experto en Mercadeo a menos que conozcas bien los números. Comprender cómo evaluar un Plan de Marketing, incluyendo si estás ofreciendo los mejores resultados posibles, puede ahorrarte dinero y ayudarte

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5 ways to evaluate your Marketing Plan

There’s no denying it. You cannot consider yourself a great marketer unless you know your numbers. Understanding how to evaluate a Marketing Plan, including whether it is delivering the best possible results, can save you money and help you ensure the success of the company’s growth plan. Even though any evaluation should start by reviewing the Marketing

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5 Tips to Upgrade Your Marketing Plan

2017 DuartePino Planning Series So you want a strong start to 2017. Excellent! To see more significant results this year, you must focus on developing a solid Marketing Plan. First, you must work on the plan’s five essential components. Then, to beef it up, you should consider developing campaigns and programs aligned with your objectives,

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