Tag: Growth

Lanzan Plataforma Digital Para Mejorar Rendimiento De Farmacias En Plena Crisis De Salud

Farmacéuticos ahora podrán obtener créditos de educación continúa en línea SAN JUAN, PR – En medio de la crisis de salud por el coronavirus (COVID-19) y en plena celebración de la Semana del Farmacéutico, el Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Puerto Rico anuncia el lanzamiento de su plataforma de educación digital que permitirá a sus colegiados acceder

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Abarca, Triple-S Accelerate Launch Of Puerto Rico’s First Home Delivery Pharmacy Program During The Covid-19 Crisis

Triple-S members can now use an app to have medications delivered by a local pharmacy to their homes. SAN JUAN, PR — Pharmacy benefits manager Abarca and Triple-S Management Corporation (NYSE: GTS), on behalf of its managed care subsidiary, Triple-S Salud, today announced the launch of Triple-S en Casa, Puerto Rico’s first prescription home delivery program. “It has

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5 Misconceptions About Branding

Branding without a strategy is like a dream without action —meaningless. Our Advisors are here to help you turn your dreams into reality through marketing-focused branding that gives your vision shape and meaning. Brand design requires a strategic plan that shapes the steps needed to grow a brand forward. Strategy drives a brand’s meaning, shaping the

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Apuesta al liderazgo femenino para crecer

Como desde su fundación Fulcro Insurance apuesta a la fuerza laboral femenina, en una industria dominada principalmente por hombres. San Juan, PR – La compañía puertorriqueña de corretaje de seguros, Fulcro Insurance, anunció tres nuevos nombramientos a la alta gerencia y junta directiva de la empresa. Los nombramientos de Janyra Pérez Blanco, Joselys M. Ortíz López y

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Collaboration, the New Imperative

#CollaborationForGrowth Series Any business leader with a vision can postulate a new venture, but it takes real collaboration to make it a success. For real growth to occur, today’s market complexities require the inclusion of multi-disciplinary skills, competencies, and experiences. Business leaders who embrace the solo approach usually live to regret it. One way of

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Abarcans to collaborate with four non-profit organizations as part of the Better Care Community Program

Community projects dedicated to improving quality of life islandwide to impact 8,000 people San Juan, PR – More than 8,000 people will benefit from projects led by the four non-profit organizations Abarca employees selected as partners of its Better Care Community Program. The program will support the efforts of health-related non-profits that work to improve the quality of

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Collaboration between Startups & Big Corporations

#CollaborationForGrowth Series In today’s competitive market, it’s not enough to do one thing better than your competitors. Thus, your marketing strategy must constantly be evolving so that it can readily recognize and adapt to new opportunities and threats that emerge in the market. Ironically, startups and big corporations would improve their success rates if they collaborated instead of competed. Both entities

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A Subasta Pública las pasadas instalaciones de Pfizer Pharmaceutical en Puerto Rico

Por orden del CRIM San Juan, PR – El Centro de Recaudación de Ingresos Municipales (CRIM) convocó una subasta pública para vender las antiguas instalaciones industriales de Pfizer Pharmaceutical en Puerto Rico. La firma local Centro Casas está a cargo de la subasta cantada que se llevará a cabo este sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019, a las 10:00 de

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Break Down Your Sales Cycle

Marketing is much more than advertising and communications –it is strategic. Real impact comes from understanding the customer journey and sales cycle to designing initiatives to connect and add value to customers and prospects. A great way to upgrade your marketing plan and figure out the right mix of tactics and channels is to perform a quick breakdown

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Ley 135 para Jóvenes Empresarios

Serie de Herramientas para Crecimiento Comercial La Ley 135 para Jóvenes Empresarios del 2014 (“Ley 135”) tiene como propósito agilizar y facilitar la creación de nuevas empresas por jóvenes residentes en Puerto Rico. Con esta ley, el Gobierno de Puerto Rico busca fortalecer la base empresarial local en Puerto Rico. Incentivos disponibles: 100% de exención total de

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