Category: Content

The Metaverse & Marketing Opportunities

Immerse yourself in the digital world of the Metaverse and take advantage of its abundant marketing possibilities.  The Metaverse. What started as a virtual gaming space quickly became a shared virtual space for businesses and artists. Today, people can shop, sell, buy, trade, and even do product placements in games and other installations. In addition,

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6 Marketing Strategies to Improve B2B Lead Generation on Your Website

Are you having issues generating more leads? You are not alone! Here are some great ways to get the ball rolling.  Hubspot states that over 61% of marketers have traffic and lead generation challenges. To face them, business leaders must implement diverse B2B (business-to-business) lead-generation ideas accompanied by trial and error. It is important to

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5 groundbreaking content trends to follow in 2023

2023 is here and with the ongoing, ever-evolving content strategies and social media platforms, creators must keep their eyes peeled for the latest trends to stay relevant and on top of their content game! Below, we’ve compiled a short list to help you navigate the year like a true content champion.  A strong content Marketing Strategy

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Take your videos to the next level with these new trends

From ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), hilarious ring videos, “TikTok made me buy it,” cute animals, and highly interactive videos, the world of video marketing and how we make videos, is changing every day. Video content is an undeniable part of marketing used by every niche and industry. According to Wyzowl, people share videos twice

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How to Atomize Your Content for High-Impact B2B Marketing

Content atomization can help you re-imagine how you strengthen the reach and impact of your marketing efforts, but what does atomization really entail, and how is it favorable for your business at all? Your business has a story to tell. Content is vital for building and maintaining credibility, sparking customer interest, and establishing healthy relationships

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4 Stages in the Marketing Funnel & their Ideal Content

Understanding your customers and what they want is essential to learning their needs. This allows for creating a successful marketing communications experience that incorporates the stages of your business funnel. However, the customer journey and their movement through the funnel can often be missed by over 61% of departments and decision-makers. Keep in mind that obtaining

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The Importance of Design in Content Marketing

With the power of graphic design, a message can travel around the world and bring people together through social media.   Graphic design is one of the most powerful tools in content marketing. No campaign or feed is complete without art, whether you are trying to reach stakeholders, decision-makers, leads, clients, or create a following. The

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Storydoing vs. Storytelling in Modern Marketing

Storytelling is one of the essential marketing tools, but with storydoing entering the picture, the way we do marketing is changing.  From the birth of humankind, storytelling has been a staple of communication, a way to pass down history and connect with others. Storytelling has always been considered an essential tool for presenting a company’s

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