Tag: Marketing Strategy

Is Your Marketing Agile Enough to Respond to Customer Insights?

Technology has changed how we handle marketing; with customers at the heart of marketing, how do you know if your strategy is agile enough? The last few years have proven to be quite the ride; consequently, significant technological advances emerged to help businesses function more successfully. Additionally, tech has changed how marketing teams operate and

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Designing B2B marketing strategies to get to the next level

Build a unique and tailored marketing plan that considers all of your challenges and business needs. Too often, marketing services are approached in the same cookie-cutter, ‘one-size fits all’ strategy without considering the specific market trends and pain points impacting a business. At DuartePino, our Advisors help our clients design a unique and tailored marketing

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Performance, Growth & Trust Fueled by Communications

Leaders know one can only go so far without effective internal and external communications. Successful businesses are built on solid communication and the trust it builds.  Strong communications are at the foundation of successful businesses. So whether you are just starting your company or have been at its helm for years, it’s always a good

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Storydoing vs. Storytelling in Modern Marketing

Storytelling is one of the essential marketing tools, but with storydoing entering the picture, the way we do marketing is changing.  From the birth of humankind, storytelling has been a staple of communication, a way to pass down history and connect with others. Storytelling has always been considered an essential tool for presenting a company’s

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The Importance of a Strong Marketing Strategy for Business Growth

Your business depends on many aspects, but it can fall to pieces without the right marketing strategy.  With so many tasks needing completion and not enough time or brainpower, it is understandable that a marketing strategy can often take the back burner. However, our advisors at DuartePino are here to help you pick up the

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Es hora de empezar a pensar en el nuevo año

Es momento para reflexionar en el pasado y prepararnos para el futuro con una buena revisión del Plan de Mercadeo. Sé que se siente como si apenas empezáramos el año, pero ya estamos a mediados de noviembre y ya deberíamos estar pensando en cómo finalizará el año. Fin de año significa que es momento para

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Market Strategy vs. Marketing Plan

Marketing is the only function of business administration that, at its core, involves the commercial strategy of the business and how it connects to the market. Marketing strategy is the business’s overall game plan for connecting to the market, reaching prospects, and turning them into customers of the product or service offered. As Business Strategist Michael Porter

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6 Situations that Trigger the need for a Fractional CMO

From budget constraints to issues with accountability, your company may need external support to optimize your marketing strategy. Someone recently asked me to explain why a company might want to hire a Fractional CMO. Here I’ve listed some of the top reasons or triggers that, in my experience, suggest that your company needs help from an

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Break Down Your Sales Cycle

Marketing is much more than advertising and communications –it is strategic. Real impact comes from understanding the customer journey and sales cycle to designing initiatives to connect and add value to customers and prospects. A great way to upgrade your marketing plan and figure out the right mix of tactics and channels is to perform a quick breakdown

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