Category: Analytics

Macro Trends for CEOs to Implement into their Business Plans in 2023

A new year is here offering a fresh slate of new possibilities and chances for success. While the last few years have been turbulent and brought a lot of uncertainty, 2023 is the year to be better prepared for anything by increasing your use of smart data and analytics, investing in certain aspects of your

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Make agile & data-driven marketing decisions with operational excellence

Making decisions can be as easy as pie but making the right and well-thought-out decision takes operational excellence and big data.  In a fast-paced world, operational excellence and tech, such as big data, are essential for a successful transformation, operations, culture, keeping ahead of the game, and most importantly, reaching your desired business goals. At

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Maintaining Value Through the Retail Value Chain

For CPGs, managing the value chain is as important as the packaged goods. As a business owner and leader, you might feel overwhelming pressure to perform perfectly while lowering costs and keeping product value. So, thinking about endless ideas for staying competitive and ahead can start using value chain techniques and chain analysis.  Managing consumer

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The Power of Data & Analytics for Optimal Business Growth

The world as we know it made an enormous technological leap during the pandemic. Companies and customers alike have changed their needs and how they use technology to shop and get information from their customers. In a study conducted by the International Institute for Analytics, businesses that use data will see over USD$430 billion in

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What is a Data-Informed Corporate Culture & How to Create it?

Today, data is more valuable than gold. Data and analytics empower business leaders and employees to take more accurate and reliable initiatives and decision-making. By putting data at the center of your business initiatives, your company can discover patterns to implement better and more efficient operations. There is no question that without implementing data and

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How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Sales Promotions

Buy one get one free! These promotions might be easy to create, but how do you ensure they are working? Sales promotions are one of the most effective marketing tools out there. Any business can benefit from adopting promotional techniques such as coupons, sampling, temporary price reductions, print media, targeted items for targeted people, features,

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Evolve with your customers: The importance of Digital Transformation in Retail

Let go of the old ways of how you do retail. Digital transformation is the most groundbreaking way to upstart and drives your retail and consumer business to the next level. Is your business up for the challenge? In today’s retail marketplace, consumers are more tech-savvy than ever before. Customers can buy from worldwide businesses

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Turning “data gold” into action

Take full advantage of new data and analytics resources, tools, and techniques to open new doors to growth opportunities for your business. To improve relationships with your customers and business partners, business leaders and their teams need to know how to get the most value out of their data and analytics to optimize growth, meet

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